According to Discover Magazine, a disturbing variety of viruses, bacteria, and organisms stand ready to attack us and feed off our bodies’ cells. Food and water are the most common sources of invading organisms. Since most of us eat three times a day and drink water frequently, our exposure to these sources is constant. “Every living thing has at least one parasite that lives inside or on it, and many, including humans, have far more.”
While you go about your day, these parasites are making you sick, and the vitamins that you may think keep you healthy do not fight against toxic build up and the pounds of waste that could be harming your body.
Death begins in the colon. Don’t believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80% with waste material, and you could have years of waste and poison where deadly parasites breed. More than 4 million Americans have frequent constipation, accounting for 2.5 physician visits each year.
The colon is a sewage system, and neglecting it can allow parasites to grow and cause fatal illnesses. Luckily, some health products have been developed to get rid of the build-up in your system and help your body look and feel amazing.
Why fight toxic waste and parasites? Toxic waste build up will distill the poisons of decay, fermentation, and putrefaction, into blood, poisoning the brain and nervous systems so that we become mentally depressed and irritable.
And worse, toxins can poison the heart so that we feel perpetually weak and listless, and can poison the lungs, making it difficult it breathe.
By detoxifying your system, you could be saving your own life. One great detox system is the Viamax Detox, which is designed to gently cleanse your system and keep your body happy and healthy.
Plus, as an added bonus, you’ll notice an energy and mood boost instantly, and will rapidly shed pounds without even trying!
Wouldn’t it be nice to go throughout your day without feeling weighed down, tired, and on edge? Wouldn’t it be nice to not worry as much about getting sick from toxins that have built up in your body over time? We think so, too.